
Here you will find abundant resources that will encourage you in your Christian walk with Jesus. Our highest calling and commitment is to reflect Jesus Christ within and outside our church, and various ministries were created to fulfill this commitment. Some of our many active ministries that are available to serve you are listed on this page.

Adult Sabbath School – Join one of our adult Sabbath school lesson study groups. Every week small groups get together to share what they learned from the lesson and how it has made a difference in their lives.

Children’s Ministry – The children in our church are not just the future–they are actively included in the ministries of the church today.

Children’s Sabbath School – We look forward to each child, visitors and members alike, participating in our Children’s Sabbath Schools. Our sabbath schools are a positive environment for children to learn about our Savior, Jesus!

Deacon’s Ministries – They will join with the pastor and elders in visiting church members.

Pathfinder Club – The Pathfinder Club is part of a world-wide co-ed scouting type organization sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Juniors and teens are welcomed and encouraged to join this ministry.

Women’s Ministries – Women’s Ministries provides the opportunity for women to grow spiritually and socially through a network of support groups active in the church.